Here is a recipe for one of my “Go-To’s” when I need to destress at the end of the day.


1 cup almond milk or coconut milk warmed
1/2 to 1 tsp melted coconut oil 
1 tsp Ashwaghanda
1/2 to 1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 to 1 tsp Turmeric
Sprinkle of cracked pepper
Stevia to taste


Warm up 1 tsp coconut oil in a small sauce pan on med-lo heat, or you could heat in the microwave for 15 seconds.  Once melted, stir in ½ to 1 tsp Cinnamon, ½ to 1 tsp Turmeric, ½ to 1 tsp Ashwaghanda, and a sprinkle of black pepper.  From there, add 1 cup of almond or coconut milk, stirring contents until warmed to your liking.  Add Stevia, honey, or other sweetener of choice.  If using the microwave, heat all contents for roughly one minute until desired temperature is reached. Then, transfer contents to a blender and blend on high for 30 seconds.  Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy!  You will sleep like a baby!  You’re Welcome!